Smart Art

 An Academic IDEA expressed in ART, empowers students to use the highest level of thinking: Creativity.

The Example of Smart Art is featured in this TIME MAGAZINE COVER as the Art picture contains the actual graph of the increase in Global warming over a two year period.


I believe ART should be a daily option for students like writing or reading… based on research not just because it brings so much joy.


by Dr. SJ Worley

Smart Art  combines 3 methodologies to produce the highest level of critical thinking through Art !  Those three concepts are:

  • Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences +

  • Individual Learning Styles +

  • Blooms Taxonomy.

Sculpture is a powerful  form of Smart Art.  This message here reflects how the colonization of America limited and hurt the Native American people. What does it say to you?

Here is an example below. The idea is: An Educator’s style of teaching may not reach all her students’ styles of learning?