Educators and Parents want to find the talent in each child and youth. It is a universally accepted truth that each human is unique and one of a kind.  Smart Art is based on the concept that we can discover those unique qualities in each student.  Then we guide them to deeper learning and personal expression. No wonder students are bored when we expect them to reproduce the same response: they are unique students.   Yes, we want them to have common knowledge.  But expecting them to respond the exactly the same way  kills their individual expression.  For example if we watch a sunset over the ocean.  I may be fascinated with the light show on the horizon,  my son may enjoy a sailboat silhouette, my husband may enjoy digging his toes in the cold wet sand or distant sound of seagulls.  We are experiencing the same thing, but enjoying our unique responses .  Boredom disappears when students have the freedom to respond uniquely to a subject.  Instead of asking them to be the same we are allowing their unique responses. One of the major  perpetuator of this sameness is the majority of colleges and universities determine undergraduate students entrance based on test scores.  This is slowly changing.

Thankfully, Howard Gardner a Harvard Professor, researched and work to proved that there are numerous ways to measure intelligence and there are numerous types of intellect.   Smart Art’s prerequisite surveys will begin the rich process of discovering each students unique intelligence and guide them towards their strengths.  Howard Gardners multiple intelligence survey is number one.  They tend not to know their strengths because they are required again and again to hear the same information and have the same response.  The following information contains the addresses of the two inventories. Their response will guide educators, parents and individual students to discover their specific strengths in thinking (Intelligence)  and learning preferences (Learning Styles).  This not only saves students time but it also saves their teachers time.   These inventories are a clear path to the type of Art that they can use most successfully in Smart Art.

Two  Inventories

Multiple Intelligences: every human naturally excels in one or more intelligence(s). In 15 minutes take this survey and discover yours!

Learning Styles: there four ways people learn information, usually dominate in two. In 15  reinforce strengths: 

HINT: there are actually two types of  Visual learners: 

Visual Picture=visualize in pictures and Visual Word =visualize in words