1. Teacher gives students regular daily assignment.

  2. Student choose an Art Form, below, and does the assignment uses that Art Form.

  3. Each student or group, fills out Plan Sheet, at the bottom of the page.

  4. Artistic Expression does not require students be artists, actors or dancers to get full credit.  **ART is judged for subject content, NOT artistic talent. 

  5. Time LIMITS are key for Art presentation using: Improv, Music(Song), Dance or Drama.

  6. Teacher will practice Art assignments 3X in class before assigning for Homework.

   (Teachers: See Gradcam on Web site to find fastest way to grade.)

Single Student 

Quick DRAW: IPAD or Pencil 

1. Fill out PLAN Sheet -turn in.

1.Draws outline(no color)of Idea OR Use Procreate Program on IPAD

2. Write one word or one sentence explanation: how the completes the assignment. 

 3. Then adds color if time allows.         

Single Student

SCULPTURE: Clay, Playdough or

 used items from thrift store or home.

1.PLAN Sheet 

2. How student envisions how sculpture answers question.


Single Student


1.Reviews assignment

2.Picks topic to cover requirement of assignment

3.Writes Poem/Lyrics

Rhyming is not required but Poem format is.


IMPROV-go to Web Page on this Web site, Print-out IMPROV Rules.

1. Fill out PLAN SHEET turn in.

2.Student creates where it takes place, the activity,  

3. Use Improv Game or NOT.

3-4 in GROUP or  SELF

CREATE a VIDEO- 1 min.-3min. 1. Fill out PLAN Sheet-turn in

2. Limit length on purpose to increase quality of content. 

3. What technology is available to present final production to whole class. Phone, Camera, Youtube etc.

3-4 in GROUP or by SELF 

DANCE or DRAMA 1-3min.

1.Fill out PLAN SHEET-turn in.

2. If possible, small space to practice, use ear buds, if near other students. 






Circle question(s) covered

1    2    3    4   5    or  Teacher assignment

Book: Language Arts  History   Social Studies    Science   English   Literature   Math

 Circle supplies needed: 

pencil   plain-paper   IPAD   camera     clay     playdough       Improv Rules   earbuds    used items   paint


1-2 sentences



Projected Presenting Time: 


   (This is hard to determine at first.)

 Two Goals in Smart Art :

1) When students CREATE they uses every level of thinking.

2. Students  re-discover their personal Multiple Intelligence(s )and Learning Styles strengths. This helps them pick the best Art Form for their Academics.  

 Both Surveys can be done in one class period.